Doodle dump

Doodle dump

Click "details" for more info.



Doodle your Alumies! Submit uncolored sketches or writing drabbles for a small crystal prize. This prompt will be available at all times of the year, and you can get crystals from this prompt at any time that you’d like. You may draw someone elses Alumies as well (but please ask for permission!)


  • Minimum of a halfbody sketch of a discernible Alumy (it must be clear that the doodle is an Alumy).
  • This prompt does not have a difference in crystal rewards if you draw more than a halfbody, but if you want to draw more, then you may do so!


Base rewards
  • Flat reward of 4 crystals per Alumy on canvas
Additional rewards
  • None


Please fill out this form when submitting a piece!

Detailed reward breakdown: (The breakdown of crystals and/or rewards you get in your submission)
Total: (Amount of crystals you would be getting for your prompt submission)
Other / notes: (Any other information you would like to add)


No rewards.

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .