

Hybrid (Rare)

Category: Hybrid
Species: Alumy

Follower (Common)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

A follower is your average alumy. They hunt, collect and help out other alumies in their hive. Follower alumies control smaller creatures to either help them hunt, collect, or to keep them company.


Preserver (Uncommon)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

Preservers are bigger than followers and have horns on their tails. They protect the hive's territory. Unlike followers, they can mind control other alumies (one to two at a time, not much more). They can send followers to safety or command other preservers. They wear their battle scars proudly.


Controller (Rare)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

A controller is the leader of their hive. They keep the hive intact with their power to mindcontrol multiple beings, and/or multiple alumies at once. Some controllers are stronger and have bigger hives than other controllers.

No ranker

No ranker (Uncommon)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

No rankers are alumies without any rank. They do not belong to a hive and travel in small groups or on their own. When an alumy has been a no ranker for a while, the next generation is more prone to inherit the "no eyes" trait and only have a controlling one. Like potion makers, they can have any build from other ranks.

Potion maker

Potion maker (Rare)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

Potion makers are alumies that are very sought after by other alumies, and moreoften those who seek to gain power or status. They're able to collect various items that can rank up or change an alumy. They visit hives, but like to live on their own and are often travelling merchants. They have a pendant showcasing that they "earned" this rank.


Spikes (Common)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Spikes of various sizes and lengths found along the body (mostly spine/tail, but can be found on face, arms, etc.) Spikes can be found anywhere on the body, as long as it does not obscure the whole body.

  • Cannot be placed on the top of the head/forehead.
  • They cannot exceed the length of the horns or antenna if applicable.

Scales (Common)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Reptilian-like scales that are stronger than regular skin and can vary from soft to armor-like in hardness.

  • Can be any size or shape and can cover various areas of the body.
  • Cannot cover the entire body.

Whiskers (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Whiskers of various width and length found on the face, cheek, or chin (1-4 pairs)

  • The whiskers can have a small tuft of fur or feathers on the tips or come to a point.

Tusks (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

 A pair of teeth visibly longer than the rest in the mouth that extend from the upper or lower jaw or both.

  • Can be very long or remain shorter, but must be longer than the rest of the teeth.
Extra pair of small wings

Extra pair of small wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

1 additional small pair of wings that can be anywhere on the body.

Plant growth

Plant growth (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Plants that can grow anywhere on the body, including the third eye.

Bat wings

Bat wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Forest subtype)

Wings that are bat-like.


Quills (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Forest subtype)
Bug parts

Bug parts (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

Parts that resemble insect, arthropod or arachnid parts.


Feathers (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Sky subtype)

Feathers that can be found anywhere on the body.


Gills (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

Fish gills that allow the Alumy to breathe underwater

Crystal growth

Crystal growth (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Crystalized or Crystal-grown parts that can be found anywhere on the body (excluding third eye).

Transparent parts

Transparent parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Parts that are transparent, translucide, see-through.

  • They are still soft to the touch (not glass) and can be hollow / be combined with the plant growth, crystal or elemental parts trait.
Bone parts

Bone parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Parts that only have the bone/alumy skeleton visible.

102 results found.