Profile ALU-1045: Minos

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: Male

Species: Alumy

Relatives: ?


  • The strongest Preserver in the Mythos Hive, Minos has the strength to keep even Orthrus on the defensive - he loves any excuse to fight and is often reprimanded for his rash behaviour
  • Orthrus did not consider him for a leadership role in the hive, as he has a tendency to not listen to orders, which is an unfit trait for a leader to have
  • Has a friendly rivalry with Kai; who is his 'brother-in-arms' as Minos would put it. Together they patrol the hives perimeter during the night, letting Shadow handle the majority of the daytime patrol
  • Very indifferent towards Shadow, and although he knows that he has a higher position in the hive, Minos will not listen to anyone who could not give him a good fight
  • Minos is very good at looking after Pebbles, something that surprised the rest of the hive when they found out; he was the only one able to ever comfort a young Pluto after he lost his mother. He (semi)reluctantly continues to help with looking out for Pluto and teaching him how to fight in order to one day take over leadership of the Hive

[Rank: Preserver, Subtype: Forest, Traits - c: eye placement, tail, horns. uc: spikes on body, tusks.]

He was designed by WafflesTrees !!! 💞💖


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