Profile ALU-2448: Orthrus

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: ? (uses they/them pronouns)

Species: Alumy

Relatives: Yami (daughter), Pluto (son)


  • They are the ruthless but not unkind leader of the Mythos Hive, who does whatever it takes to secure and expand their territory. Orthrus does not often make a move to defend the hive themself, not unless a particularly strong/difficult enemy shows up
  • The biggest enemy that their Mythos Hive faces is the Physis Hive; a peaceful mixed hive with a large number of Preservers. The leader of the hive, Nico, does not pick fights with other hives in the area, but Orthrus is very wary of the potential threat they pose
  • Pluto is their prodigal son, and although they try not to show too much favour to him they are extremely proud of his future potential - a visiting Potion Maker with a knack for fortune telling predicted that he would rise up the ranks in the future. Because of this, Orthrus cannot help but show him off
  • Also loves their daughter Yami, but is unsure of how to show her; they feel guilty that she was only born as a Follower because of their darker nature - believing that she would benefit more from a more 'hands off' parenting style, they have left her overall well being down to the second-in-command, Shadow
  • Loves to monopolise things that they know will benefit the Hive, such as strong ranking Alumy and Potion Makers. Most No Ranks that come across the Hive are not allowed to leave often or at all, despite having no loyalty to any Hive
  • Despite Shadow being their second-in-command, the strongest Preserver in the hive is actually Minos, but due to his rash and brute attitude Orthrus did not even once consider him for a leader position
  • Both heads are not seperate personalities; Orthrus can speak from one at a time or even both together but they are ultimately only one being - although having two brains does allow them to think much faster than others

[Rank: Controller, Subtype: Forest, Traits - c: spiky horns. uc: big mane, bat wings, coloured sclera. m: multiple features (head+tail).]

They were designed by catko !!! <3


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed