Profile ALU-2780: Léy

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: Female

Species: Alumy

Relatives: ?


  • Léy is very quiet and nervous, she doesn’t like to interact with others much as she’s afraid of being rejected
  • She has few friends in the hive; only really speaking to Mori. She feels they are quite similar and is very comfortable being around her
  • She has a slight sadistic streak to her but doesn’t often show it; Mori is the only one to have seen this side of her; she knows Léy wouldn’t do anything harmful to others but is always making sure to keep her grounded in reality to ensure she stays safe

[Rank: Follower, Subtype: Forest, Traits - c: regular tail, normal mane, eye placement, spiky horns. uc: coloured sclera, bat wings, other shaped pupils.]

She was designed by AbsoluteCarnage !! ☺️💖


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