Profile ALU-3020: Beale

Owned by flannelmemorial

Name: Beale, “Bea” 

Name meaning: “Handsome man”, “beautiful” in old English. 

Gender: Male, he/him pronouns.

Sexuality: bisexual, no preference

Age: Human years, early 30's

Hive: Hawthorne 

Community: Fog Wood 

Personality type: ESFJ 

Social: Ambivert

Species: Forest 

Rank: Preserver

Position: Controller Guard

Strength: Larger animal control

Status: Unbonded, lives alone in the city 

Traits: Common slit eyes, eye placement, tail, forward facing horns, mane.  

Physical abnormalities: 

Accessories: Armor is plain iron with golden embellishments, and his cape is golden. He sometimes sports chainmail, but only if a large predator is reportedly near the city. 

Pets: A crowned eagle named Nimbus

Plans: n/a

Personality traits: Enthusiastic, optimistic, realistic, warm hearted and affectionate, quick witted, determined and strong willed, moody at times. 

Drives: Caring for his community, finding purpose and belonging. 

Interpersonal mannerisms: 

Hobbies: wip

Dislikes: wip

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