Profile ALU-3194: Carnage

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: Male

Species: Alumy

Relatives: ?


  • Once a kind and loving Controller leading a peaceful Hive; Carnage is now a being filled with nothing but anger and hatred
  • An unexpected ambush from the Mythos Hive ended with his entire Hive being killed or taken captive; Carnage was left for dead, body covered in mortal wounds from trying to defend his Hive, watching as the few surviving members were dragged away by the invaders. Struggling to stay awake, he looked up to see the unforgiving figure of Orthrus looming over him "If only you would have submited like all the others. Look at you now. Pathetic." As he uttered his final word, Orthrus struck him one last time; shattering his eyestone and putting the poor Controller out of his misery.
    Or so they both thought.
    After the pain faded, Carnage opened his eyes, only to find his surroundings were completely dyed in red. He stood up, confused and surprised he was somehow able to do such a thing, and set about exploring the strange space he now found himself in. Dimly lit Rooms one after the other; ceilings, walls and floors coloured in every shade of red he'd ever seen and more were all he could see. No matter how far he walked or ran he didn't seem any closer to finding an exit from this place, and the reality of the situation was starting to set in. He was trapped, in a place that was seeming increasingly more like hell with every minute that passed. Was he even alive? Where is this place? How did he get here? How long had it been? There was no one around to ask, no one to hear him scream, as his mind slowly began to erode. The Red Rooms were starting to leave their mark on Carnage physically too: his once white fur now a stark crimson red, his emerald green eyes now colourless. Strange symbols once seen on the walls in various rooms appeared across his body day by day, as well as various mysterious accessories that had slowly began to adorn his body. The final changes to his appearance was a door shaped gash that was carved into his chest through unknown means, and a series of large claw marks - the same size and shape as the fatal wound inflicted on him by Orthrus, all endlessly oozing small amounts of fresh blood.
    Time had lost all meaning in this place, wandering from room to room looking for prey was all his broken mind felt compelled to do; strangely, after his transformation finished he began to feel extremely. It was no ordinary hunger either, it was coupled with an all encompassing pain that was worse than anything he had ever experienced. He only realised in this moment that this was the first time he had felt like eating since he'd been here, but one thing he knew for certain was that these rooms had nothing of substance to alleviate the hunger. *THUD* His ears pricked at the sound and he turned towards it. A quiet worried voice called out from the distance "Hello...? Is anyone there?" followed by the sound of hesitant footsteps. Hearing this mystery visitor slowly heading in his direction had him drooling copiously, the anticipation making him feel giddy. Carnage giggled softly, his laughter rising to a haunting peak before abruptly stopping as the young pebble stepped into his room. A low gutteral growl rumbled in the crimson Alumies chest, his emotionless eyes fixed on the young Alumy before him. The pebble just stood there frozen, hackles raised, fur bristling and eyes wide.
    (this part is wip rn, going to sleep so )  after what seemed like years had gone by, Carnage was awoken from a short nap by a blinding light that seemed to engulf his very being - he opened his eyes once more to see something he hadn't seen in years; colour. It was almost enough to make him cry. Almost. The time spent in the Red Rooms had transformed his gentle personality into something warped, and he no longer saw such a sight as beautiful. As the cool breeze rustled his fur he closed his eyes once more; the wind had carried a familiar scent his way - it was him. Orthrus. Carnage smiled, blood red teeth glistening in the light 
  • (will finish later lol)

[Rank: Controller, Subtype: Forest, Traits - c: normal mane, normal horns, spikes. uc: coloured sclera, bat wings, tusks, multiple eyes (7). r: multiple pupils, other shape tail tip.]

He was designed by astralgaze !!! <3<3

(Based on the Red Rooms from The Backrooms!!)

(after Charla)

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  • Gift writing is allowed