Profile ALU-3429: Kagatsuchi

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: Male

Species: Alumy

Relatives: ?


  • The ruthless leader of the Dragon's Nest Hive, Kagatsuchi is a heartless monster with little to no care for others (especially those who cannot prove their worth to him)
  • Kagatsuchi's closest aide and loyal attendant is Hiryuu; a young Preserver who was rescued as a pebble, along with his younger brother Karyuu. One of the Hives elders had taken it upon themself to train him up to be the 'perfect servant', who would readily offer up his life for his 'lord'
  • His childhood was rough - born into his rank, he was raised solely for the purpose of taking over the Hive as the next Controller. He was not treated kindly nor shown any love from those around him; ‘A leader does not need such things after all, one must lead those below him with an iron fist. Mercy is for the weak, and the weak have no place here’. For years his childish innocence was slowly but surely whittled away, until he was nothing but an empty shell for the hive elders to fill with their own twisted teachings in order to create their ideal leader. As he neared the cusp of adulthood, Kagatsuchi felt like he had reached a breaking point, and one winter night he gathered the few Alumy he held any sort of respect for and led them out of the Hive. The small group anxiously waited by the edge of the nearby forest for his return, hearing angry shouts from the direction of the Hive; a few hours later their surrourindngs went silent and Kagatsuchi slowly emerged from the shadows, a leather pouch held firmly in his mouth. He dropped the pouch at Hiryuu's feet before exhaustion forced him to lay down and rest (wip, sleep time)

(this will be removed and added into other parts of his bio soon - I gotta sleep so will finish tomorrow) Was thinking he’d be the ruthless leader of an exclusively dragon-themed hive [tent name of ‘Dragons Nest’]. The hive would be located somewhat near the territory of another hive I have, where the controller is basically a heartless monster with little to no care for others (especially those that have no use to him); but they have a mutual respect for each other as they have similar views, and have a very tentative treaty between their hives~
This fella would at least have enough heart not to treat his own hive members harshly, but anyone outside of the hive/treaty he would barely hesitate to eliminate if given the slightest reason to do so~

[Rank: Controller, Subtype : Forest x Sky, Traits - c: normal mane, spikes, scales. uc: blank eyes, coloured sclera, mettalic markings, bat wings. r: hybrid, glowing parts, other shaped tail tip, spiked horns.]

He was designed by Shatteredice9 !! <3<3

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