Profile ALU-3469: Summer

Owned by LuckyyLe0

Gender: Female

Species: Alumy

Relatives: ?


  • Summer has an very upbeat personality and refuses to let anything ruin her mood; she always manages to find the brighter side of a situation and turn things around 
  • Is best fiends with Tsunami, they've been together since they were just pebbles, and despite the difference in their Ranks their friendship has remained stronger than ever
  • Has a crush on Hydor, which Tsunami teases her about in their weekly gossip seassions. Summer has been waiting for the perfect moment to tell him how she feels, but hasn't quite worked up the courage to do so

[Rank: Follower, Subtype: Water, Traits - c: round pupils. uc: coloured sclera, gills. r: aquatic tail, no mane.]

She was designed by Rmin !! <3<3

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