Ravens' Keep Trading Post (NotS Shop)

Ravens' Keep Trading Post (NotS Shop)

“What do you mean ‘Where's Katak?’ I know he's seen as the go-to potion maker, but Night of the Stars event-goers need nothing less than an experienced star catcher to make these items!”


Uncommon potion
Uncommon potion
Cost: 2 Stardust
Mythical potion
Mythical potion
Cost: 6 Stardust
Max 5 per user
Cloud orb
Cloud orb
Cost: 4 Stardust
Common MYO
Common MYO
Cost: 4 Stardust
Uncommon MYO
Uncommon MYO
Cost: 8 Stardust
Rare MYO
Rare MYO
Cost: 16 Stardust
Mythical MYO
Mythical MYO
Cost: 32 Stardust
Max 1 per user
Pet Variant Selector
Pet Variant Selector
Cost: 2 Stardust
Max 3 per user