
Water (Alumy Subtype)

Water alumies have adapted to living underwater. Some have gills and can only breathe underwater, others live a more amphibian lifestyle. They're the rarest and biggest type of alumy to exist. Usually making their homes in underwater caves.

Flower (Alumy Subtype)

The smallest of them all: the flower alumy! They make their homes in flower fields, and polinate the area with their bug friends. What they lack in size, they make up for in strength! Flower alumies can lift 15 times their own weight.

Sky (Alumy Subtype)

Sky alumies live on top of mountains. They can vary quite a lot from each other, some walking like ostrich, others like wyverns. They are on the smaller scale of subspecies (right above flower alumies), but also the fastest. Due to growing and evolving around birds & other avian, they developed similar traits.

Forest (Alumy Subtype)

Forest alumies are the most common type of alumy! They live in caves or build their own complex nests (made out of rocks, leaves and wood) in the forests. They mindcontrol mostly mammals.

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