
Normal placement

Normal placement (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The eyes are normally placed on the face, the third eye being on top and blank when not controlling anything.

Slit eyes

Slit eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The pupil is slit and thin shaped like cats, but it can also dilate and become more oval.

Misplaced eye

Misplaced eye (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

One of the regular eyes and the third eye swap places, the iris is now on the central eye.

Other shaped pupil

Other shaped pupil (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The pupil is a shape other than slit or round.

  • Examples could be: stars, hearts, swirls, etc.
Blank eyes

Blank eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

There is no iris in the eye and only the sclera is present.

Coloured sclera

Coloured sclera (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The sclera is below the light/white threshold.

No eyes

No eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The alumy doesn't have any eyes to see aside its third eye.

Bug eyes

Bug eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

The eyes are similar to insect, arthropods or arachnid ones.

Extra eyes (11-25)

Extra eyes (11-25) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

In addition to the normal pair of eyes, 11-25 more are found on the body. They can be placed anywhere but cannot exceed 25 additional eyes. The two eyes found on the face are not factored into the count of additional eyes.


Heterochromia (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

Both irises do not have the same hue, saturation, or value.

  • This trait does not affect the sclera of the Alumy's eyes.

Multiple pupils

Multiple pupils (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The eye has multiple pupils in it.

Angler fish eyestone

Angler fish eyestone (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

A fleshy growth encases the eyestone perfectly in a bulb extended from the Alumy’s forehead.

  • It cannot glow unless used in combination with the R Glowing Parts trait.
Eyestone horn

Eyestone horn (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The eyestone protrudes from the forehead and is long and sharp like a horn. It can change to a more desired shape by the Alumy over time due to magic. When the Alumy dies, the eyestone retains its strange shape.

  • When an Alumy is controlling another being, the being’s iris will show up on the horn.
Multiple eyestones (1-11)

Multiple eyestones (1-11) (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

More than 1 eyestone found anywhere on the face or body, in addition to the normal third eye.

Extra eyes (1-10)

Extra eyes (1-10) (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

In addition to the normal pair of eyes, 1-10 more are found on the body. They can be placed anywhere but cannot exceed 10 additional eyes. The two eyes found on the face are not factored into the count of additional eyes.

  • The extra eyes on the body don’t really “see.” They can only really sense light and changes in light, and add a sort of depth to regular sight (UC No Eyes doesn’t cancel out the extra eyes trait, their sight just sucks even more than normal).
Extra eyes (+26)

Extra eyes (+26) (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy
 This trait can only be applied with the Jar of... Googly eyes? item.

In addition to the normal pair of eyes, 26 or more eyes are found on the body. They can be placed anywhere. The two eyes found on the face are not factored into the count of additional eyes.

  • The extra eyes on the body don’t really “see.” They can only really sense light and changes in light, and add a sort of depth to regular sight (UC No Eyes doesn’t cancel out the extra eyes trait, their sight just sucks even more than normal).
Rounded eyes

Rounded eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

Pupils are naturally round. Like a human or dog

17 results found.