

Preserver (Uncommon)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

Preservers are bigger than followers and have horns on their tails. They protect the hive's territory. Unlike followers, they can mind control other alumies (one to two at a time, not much more). They can send followers to safety or command other preservers. They wear their battle scars proudly.

No ranker

No ranker (Uncommon)

Category: Rank
Species: Alumy

No rankers are alumies without any rank. They do not belong to a hive and travel in small groups or on their own. When an alumy has been a no ranker for a while, the next generation is more prone to inherit the "no eyes" trait and only have a controlling one. Like potion makers, they can have any build from other ranks.


Whiskers (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Whiskers of various width and length found on the face, cheek, or chin (1-4 pairs)

  • The whiskers can have a small tuft of fur or feathers on the tips or come to a point.

Tusks (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Teeth that are externally visible and larger than the rest of the teeth. Can be an under or overbite.

Extra pair of small wings

Extra pair of small wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

1 additional small pair of wings that can be anywhere on the body.

Plant growth

Plant growth (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Plants that can grow anywhere on the body, including the third eye.

Bat wings

Bat wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Forest subtype)

Wings that are bat-like.


Quills (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Forest subtype)
Bug parts

Bug parts (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

Parts that resemble insect, arthropod or arachnid parts.


Feathers (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Sky subtype)

Feathers that can be found anywhere on the body.


Gills (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

Fish gills that allow the Alumy to breathe underwater

Metallic markings

Metallic markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings on an Alumy that look like metal and reflect light similarly. Must resemble an actual metal and should not change color.

Opalescent markings

Opalescent markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings that are opalescent or multi-chrome. They shimmer in different colors in the light. Must show a gradient between chromas.

Sparkling markings

Sparkling markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings that sparkle. Sparkles must be the same color as the markings and cannot extend off the body.

Bug wings

Bug wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

Bug and insect wings that can include butterfly wings, moth wings, dragonfly/fly wings, beetle wings etc. but must resemble an actual bug or insect.

Feathered wings

Feathered wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy
Misplaced eye

Misplaced eye (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

One of the regular eyes and the third eye swap places, the iris is now on the central eye.

Other shaped pupil

Other shaped pupil (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The pupil is a shape other than slit or round.

  • Examples could be: stars, hearts, swirls, etc.
Blank eyes

Blank eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

There is no iris in the eye and only the sclera is present.

Coloured sclera

Coloured sclera (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The sclera is below the light/white threshold.

36 results found.