
Multiple limbs

Multiple limbs (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has extra limbs aside from the regular normal number. This can include extra ears, arms/legs, tails, etc.

Multiple wings

Multiple wings (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has extra pairs of usable wings aside from the normal pair on the back. The wings can be bat wings, feathered, or bug/insect-like (depending on subspecies).

  • Extra pair of small wings does not count towards this trait, but can be used in combination for more pairs of small wings elsewhere on the body. Must be specified on the ML.
Elemental parts

Elemental parts (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy
 This trait can only be applied with the ??? item.

The essence of a magic element has bonded to an Alumy and now replaces some of their body such as the limbs, the tail, eyes, wings (if applicable), etc.

  • Elements available for this trait include - Fire, galaxy, water, ice, crystal, air, clouds/steam, metal/rock, shadow, smoke, and plant/wood
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation coming off their body and can make it show less, more, but cannot make it disappear
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation coming off their body and can make it show less, more, but cannot make it disappear
  • Cannot replace more than 50% of the body/silhouette of the Alumy.
  • The Alumy cannot make the element change what part of the body it replaces.
Elemental essence

Elemental essence (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The essence of a magic element has attached to an Alumy and now extends from the Alumies body. It is commonly found trailing off of the mane, tail, wings (if applicable), back or coming out of the eyes but can also be found elsewhere, such as an elemental breath.

  • Elements available for this trait include - Fire, galaxy, water, ice, air, clouds/steam, metal/rock, electricity, shadow, and smoke.
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation on their body and can make it show less, more, or disappear for short periods of time.
  • Cannot cover more than 75% of the body/silhouette and must trail off of the Alumy’s body. The chosen element cannot replace parts of the body
  • This trait only encompasses one element, any additional element will require another instance of this trait.
Floating magic

Floating magic (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has formed a bond with a magic element and causes it to float around their body naturally. Can manifest in small shapes, clusters, waves, or lines of said element floating around the Alumy’s body.

  • The Alumy has mild control of the floating parts and can move them through a form of mind control, but cannot make the objects float too far away from their body. The Alumy can also cause the magic to show more, less, or disappear for short periods of time.
  • The list of elements for floating magic includes: Fire, galaxy, water, ice, crystal, air, clouds/steam (would be R Cloud parts for Sky ALumy or Sky hybrids), metal/rock, electricity, shadow, or smoke
  • The floating parts cannot look like little spirits or ghosts because that would be the R Seasonal Ghost Parts trait.
  • The floating magic cannot be connected to the Alumy’s body and must be noticeable floating away from the body.
Floating objects

Floating objects (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Alumy has a higher output of magic and has bonded with made objects, making them float around their body. No more than 2 different types of objects (example: books and quills) but can have up to 5 of each type of item.

  • The Alumy has mild control of the floating parts and can move them through a form of mind control, but cannot make the objects float too far away from their body.
  • If an object is grabbed and forcibly moved away from the Alumy, it will automatically float back violently after a certain point and return to the Alumy’s side. This can be dangerous at times because the object would forcibly move through anything in its way to get back to the Alumy it has bonded with. The items will always return to the Alumy regardless of how far they are moved away.
  • The objects cannot be naturally forming, they must be made from some source.
Angler fish eyestone

Angler fish eyestone (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

A fleshy growth encases the eyestone perfectly in a bulb extended from the Alumy’s forehead.

  • It cannot glow unless used in combination with the R Glowing Parts trait.
Eyestone horn

Eyestone horn (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

The eyestone protrudes from the forehead and is long and sharp like a horn. It can change to a more desired shape by the Alumy over time due to magic. When the Alumy dies, the eyestone retains its strange shape.

  • When an Alumy is controlling another being, the being’s iris will show up on the horn.
Multiple eyestones (1-11)

Multiple eyestones (1-11) (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy

More than 1 eyestone found anywhere on the face or body, in addition to the normal third eye.

Extra eyes (+26)

Extra eyes (+26) (Mythical)

Category: Eyes
Species: Alumy
 This trait can only be applied with the Jar of... Googly eyes? item.

In addition to the normal pair of eyes, 26 or more eyes are found on the body. They can be placed anywhere. The two eyes found on the face are not factored into the count of additional eyes.

  • The extra eyes on the body don’t really “see.” They can only really sense light and changes in light, and add a sort of depth to regular sight (UC No Eyes doesn’t cancel out the extra eyes trait, their sight just sucks even more than normal).
Multiple horns

Multiple horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Several sets of horns that grow on the head of an Alumy. Can include combinations of multiple horn types or just sets of the same horn type. Each horn type included must be traited in addition to this.

  • Horns may only grow/extend from the forehead/skull of the Alumy. Horns growing elsewhere on the body are not allowed and would use the C Spikes (body) trait instead.
  • For example having C Spiky horns, then having UC Ram Horns growing right behind it. Or having R Spiked horns, then another set right in front of it.
Joined/Connected horns

Joined/Connected horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are linked together at some point past the base.

Oversized horns

Oversized horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are larger than normal and extend past the tip of the ears and/or tip of the nose. Can be used in combination with any other horn trait.

Unlisted/Other horn

Unlisted/Other horn (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are anything but the listed Horn traits.

Other/Unlisted tail

Other/Unlisted tail (Mythical)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

Tail is anything but the tail traits (water and flower alumies are an exception). ex: alligator tail, inanimate objects, etc)

16 results found.