[2] - General UIX Improvements

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by MarskyMessier

Another day another slay

Another late-ish update, but this one is more minor, with quick UIX fixes and a very small extension addition that is also meant for display rather than complicated functionalities like we've had in the past.

So, what's up doc?

Not a lot lately, as we've been working less on Lorekeeper lately, as it's been stabilizing slowly and smoothly. However there were a few changes to the frontfacing experience, notably with Lyuna theme.

  • There was an issue with the text-muted property being hard to read (text used for "X character found" or the co-own bottom text on character pages. It's more readable on the Lyuna theme now!
  • The top navigation bar is seeing some changes, with "Guidebook" being changed to "Lorebook" for less confusion about guides being under Help instead. There is now a quick access to the Design guide and the Beginner guide in the Help menu, with an All guide section leading to everything. As soon as the TOS are ironed out, they will join that dropdown.
  • That top navbar is now somewhat scrollable on mobile, it's not the best but you can scroll through the dropdown menu (not the entire nav itself) when they drop down, which is an improvement from no scrolling at all!
  • There was a known issue with draft submission when they were canceled - this is fixed! You can now edit a submission that was cancelled and sent back to you withtout any issues.
  • There is still an issue with Pairing + - Parents selection is iffy but the names were changed from Father to Partner (this was an old residue from the older Pairing extension), it's being reviewed and fixed as we speak, but I can't say when it'll be working properly.


A new extension approaches

With our ARPG allowing IP based characters and designs (designs based on pre-existing IPs like Hatsune Miku or Sukuna) we are aware it can be an issue if an IP based Alumy is traded, and the receiver is not aware of said inspiration. It can be an awkward feeling to receive a character based on something that already exist without knowing about it, and that it might be an IP you don't like or don't want to do anything with.

That's why we are bringing "IP Inspired Character Labels", an extension by Newt that adds a labelling option for IP based characters or "imports" (pre-existing OCs that were imported or have an alternative version in a species).

This isn't a shame cone or anything, but more to be transparent about where the inspirations are from, and if a character is an import in the case it gets traded! Some people might be uncomfortable with the idea of getting an IP based characters without knowing about it, hence the transparency. This is set by masterlisters and isn't fully retroactive (it'll be for designs that are very obvious on IP base and if our staff knows / are certain of the source) but you can request it to be applied on your character in the discord or contacting an Admin / Masterlister for it!


Sailing towards new seas

We've received feedback on the change of alt palettes being mandatory to be seen on the Image, and alt forms not being allowed as of yet. We do have plans for that to arrive, but it needs time (let us cook!!), there's an extension available for something similar called Character Transformation but it has not been tested on here so we cannot say for sure it will happen. New updates from SUPERCOOL (the dev behind it) looks like alternative views with the same traits are possible, so we could include palettes! It's still something that will need futher discussion from the staff team, so hang in tight.

There's more extensions plans for the future, that might be added depending on their compatibility with V3.0.0 (the version this server runs on):

Some might never be added, some might take time, as extensions are very diverse in terms of functionality and size!

That's it for this week's Dev Log, keep an eye out for the next one / any new updates!


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