[5] - Jump to develop & new extensions

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by MarskyMessier

 Jump to develop & new extensions

We are finally rolling out the develop update! Keep in mind it's a functionality breaking update, meaning there's a non zero chance of some stuff not working, being glitchy or changing. They will be patched as they are discovered!

Develop is the most recent branch of LoreKeeper, and is basically the testground for future releases. It offers a lot of new quality of life updates (QOLs), but is more unstable than v3 or main for example, so things might be a little bit more unpredictable (think of develop as the Alpha version, v3 as the Beta and main as the current stable release).
This means that we have a LOT of changes, even tho the most functionality breaking ones have already been with us before they were integrated to dev, notably multiple subtypes and item rarities, which were extensions until recently for dev!

Table of content

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Major changes
  • Develop update : major changes & features.
  • New extensions :
    • Scavenger hunt, used in the Halloween pumpkittns hunt.
    • Event tools, for managing event currency and rewards.
    • View-only shops, allows a shop to be visible without needing to open it.
    • Polls & Forms, running on-site forms with multiple options.
    • User IP, allows to check IPs per user.
  • Claymores and Companions update : Elemental typing & pet levels.
  • Modmail update : strike expiry and settings.
Bug fixes & minor features
  • Character transformation doesn't display when characters has none.
  • New size guide on file upload.
  • Sublist hidden on profile.
  • News/Devlogs now sort on upload date.
  • Pet and Co-own conflicts.
  • GAs can now see hidden characters.
Dev updates
  • Deployment QOL change.
  • Going forward.

Major changes

Develop update

With develop, there's a LOT of new changes, so some bugfixes and misc have been omitted here to keep the most important up. All updates have their respective Pull Requests from the lorekeeper github if you want to look more into it!

The most important is that we've got a few updates concerning subtypes, trait indexes, and navigation on site, especially the masterlist search.


Scavenger HuntHandling scavenger hunts internally, with targets and a page with the amount of targets collected for a specific hunt. Staff can also see how far players are in the hunt.

Event tools - Add currency tracking and event-specific currency, and teams similar to Art Fight, with point tracking pages both user and admin site.

View-only shops - Allow any shop to be on visible-only, which means users cannot buy anything from the shop until it's open.

Polls & Forms - Allow the creation of custom forms or polls on-site, with anonymous or public results, comments, and various stats.

User IPs - Allow Admins to see IPs on a dashboard, and to whom it may belong, and if it's been used by another user. !! This extension is not meant for tracking, but to double check users with multiple account (which we don't allow), and is only accessible by Admins. LoreKeeper already collect IPs by default, and this won't be used for anything else than account verification. Any misusage from the Staff will be strongly punished.

Claymores & Companions update - Include a new feature, Element typing (akin to Pokemon's typing), and new levels for Pet and the ability to bond with said Pet.

Modmail update - Include expiration date for strikes, options for allowing or disallowing mail sending.

Bug fixes & minor features

  • When a character had no transformation, the top navigation would still display due to how the extension parse them. This has been fixed, and any character that doesn't have a transformation won't have that navigation show up.
  • The maximum size image allowed for upload has been included via a small text below the upload box.
  • Sublists won't show on profile content and sidebar anymore.
  • News and Devlogs have been updated in the view section to sort by upload date by default, instead of editing date.
  • There was a conflict issue between co-owner and pet extension (which was breaking pets), this has been fixed since it's been discovered.
  • GAs can now see hidden characters, for ease of access when referencing certain hidden profiles to Staff.

Dev updates

  • This is mostly concerning Vilagyent and me, but I've finally managed to make our life easier with an automatic deployment that pushes any update to our GitHub repo to the site! At least it's more time to work on code instead of fiddling with ssh...
  • Going forward, we'll be pulling updates from develop, meaning some things might be unstable or breaking. This means more work to troubleshoot, however I personally do not have the time for that, and the rest of the Staff is busy on their own tasks. I've entertained the idea of a rewarded bug hunt, where you could get currency and in-game rewards for finding on-site bugs, but that is just in the air for now.
  • 2025 also approaches and that means we'll soon need to finance the website from our own money, as we're currently using a bonus with Digital Ocean that helps pay the maintenance. This probably will kickstart the sale of items and MYOs with real currency, and a potential shop for that, however the extension needs extensive API tinkering and is not free so that's more costs on us. In any case, we'll find a way, and if anything we'd do a monthly or bimonthly sale specifically geared toward site financing.

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