November- December Staff Update 2024
Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fishHello again Alumers,
It's that time again for the staff newsletter, updating you on everything done in the last few months.
- First and foremost: Traits
MarskyMessier , carlos_claee , Vilagyent and Blu_x_Jay began work on the new images for traits in the past two months. They are making steady progress towards having traits fully reworked with new images and descriptions - Trait descriptions are currently about 75% done while Trait visuals are around 50% done.
- It is our hope to release these trait reworks by the new year!
We have some examples to show you what you can expect with these new trait descriptions! We hope they will provide a clear and descriptive trait definition to help any confusion surrounding traits or their appearance.
Ghost Parts: (Item Only/Seasonal - added using the Ghost Potion)
An Alumy has ghost-like ethereal parts that are semi-transparent and wisp-like. These parts are noncorporeal and objects or other beings are able to pass through them.
Some Alumies with this trait can make their legs or tail disappear into a wispy trail as they levitate above the ground.
This trait can also manifest in the form of small wisp-like friends that resemble other creatures.
✔️ Can replace parts of the body
✔️ Can trail off the body
✔️ Can be any color but must be semi-transparent
That's all we'll share for now, but we hope this gets you excited to have the Alumy traits reworks done!
Aside from trait updates:
- Admins have been busy with their usual duties: picking GAs, managing the staff, and fulfilling their individual jobs as admin.
- Event coordinators Vilagyent , Philologique , Rmin , JJBum , and Nightspirit alongside carlos_claee designed and are managing this year's Halloween Event. This work entails creating art, written descriptions, and on-site items and prompts, as well as processing claims and submissions from the community. They've also started work on the next event (Night of the Stars) and are looking forward to sharing with you all.
- Website developer MarskyMessier worked to implement the scavenger hunt extension (and several others) as well as reated art for the event. He also fixed bugs and is still working on UI updates for the site.
- Discord mods wearycosmos , Plov , SICPARANOIA-PNG , headed by Astr0fish have been managing the DtAA channels as well as ensuring the Discord remains a safe place for everyone there. They also worked on some updates to the Discord, and have recently released the Alumy Annual Gift Exchange sign-ups. More info about that can be found here.
- Masterlisters Froggy , L_moncello , and mawkatsu have continued their duties uploading new alumy and handling transfers. They are still slowly working through the trait update and BV form! This work continues in to the next months.
- In similar work, design approvers Blu_x_Jay , carlos_claee and MarshMoshi have been approving adopt designs and on-site MYOs and redesigns and have streamlined their process to be more efficient.
That about rounds up the work being done on the staff currently! In the coming months, we hope to release our trait reworks as well as other updates to documents like our ToS. We are excited to continue working on the species and improving slowly as we adapt to LK. We'd like to thank you for your enjoyment of the species and support and hope you have a great week!