Site News

Spring into Summer Raffle Pulls

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

Hi all! Thank you all for taking part in the Spring into Summer 2024 Event.

We have pulled our raffle prizes! All of our prompts had the potential of getting a Myth MYO if a certain amount of prompt numbers were met, and if you took part in our Egg Hunt prompt, you were put into a raffle for 4 Egg designs. These designs were made by astralgaze , JJBum / StarFoosh , JinxedStudios , and Philologique .

You can find the Myth MYO raffle link here:
You can find the Egg Hunt Adopt raffle link here:


Congratulations HauntedArtz for winning the Myth MYO raffle!
And congratulations
LuckyyLe0 for winning the Astralgaze design
Froggy for winning the JJBum/ Starfoosh design
Bemnie for winning the Philologique design
and Philologique for winning the JinxedStudios design

Please make sure to check out each of the designs on their dedicated Masterlist entry! And again, thank you all so much for participating- all rewards will be sent out shortly.


//Edit 7/11/24- The Philologique Design was not linked correctly! This has been edited.

Non-Traited Design Requirement Update

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

Hello everyone,
The Alumy staff has been working on the Non-Traited Design Requirements! These are requirements an Alumy design must follow regardless of subtype, rank, or listed traits. This includes mane definition, non-mane fur length, ear length, and more.

You can find these non-traited design requirements here:

Detailed Design Guide:
--> <--


Summary of these Requirements:
--> <--


If you prefer looking at a Google doc version:
--> <--


We'll be working on providing a visual guide in addition to this textual guide in the future, but we wanted to release this to you as soon as we had it! We hope this will make designing Alumy easier, with detailed explanations of what non-traited aspects of designs look like.

Summertime Odyssey

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

summertime Odyssey

Event from 7/9/24 - 8/30/24
Water Alumy Event

Summer is in full swing, and Alumies are celebrating!

With the annual migration of Water Alumies underway, many reunions are taking place as well as general summer fun! Water Alumies are celebrating and are having a whale of a time with summer festivities, seeing old friends, and just generally having a blast.


This Event includes several different prompts and several ways you can participate!:
All Summer Odyssey Event participants will get:

-> Please make sure to read the prompts and learn more about the requirements for each of the prompts at this link! <-


We are also introducing an Event-specific item!

Soap Gum

This item makes it possible for your Non-Water Alumies to take part in Event Prompts that are Water Alumy-specific! You can get 3 throughout the event by participating in the Summer Fun Prompt. When you submit any prompts with any non-water Alumy (specifically underwater), then we will take that item out of your inventory.

Water Orb prices are also on sale, for 100 Crystals each! If you've ever wanted to make a Water Alumy, now is the time. You can find the Water orbs in the shop, located here.


Introducing:: Our new Water Alumy NPC, Marilyn (or Mari, for short)! She's always a fan of summer festivities, and she'll be around a lot during this event. If you need a character to draw for a prompt, you're welcome to draw/write about her!

-> You can find her Ref Sheet and her Masterlist entry here <-


To submit your prompts, and get your rewards, please use the submit a prompt button!

You can also submit your prompts at the link here:

For the Reunion prompt, we've figured out how to let users input rewards based on what your submission has within it (such as if your piece has a headshot/fullbody or if your piece has a scene or if it has no background). Once you choose a prompt, please make sure to click "Add Critereon" at the bottom of the page! This will pop up the menu to add whatever crystal amounts are present in the submission. This makes it possible for us to do ranked rewards, where each aspect of your submission is taken into account when crystals are rewarded. Thank you MarskyMessier for the work that you've done for putting these ranked rewards together!


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us through the alumy discord!

We have a submission sharing, ref sheet sharing, and a discussion channel for this event! If you are not in the Alumy Discord, we greatly encourage joining so you can interact with the Alumy community. We also have a question channel if you have any questions about any of the prompts, and it's faster to contact us there.

Thank you all and we hope you have a WONDERFUL Summertime Odyssey! (and make sure to stay cool!)


Credit notes:

Thank you all of the people who took part in the creation of this event!:

Thank you Event Coordinators Vilagyent , Philologique , Rmin , and Nightspirit as well as Admin Astr0fish and Blu_x_Jay for creating the various banners for this event! Also thank you Vilagyent for making the sticker for this event, MarskyMessier for making the Bubble Gum item art, carlos_claee for making the Discord Icon, and JJBum for making the locations for the Race to the Abyss prompt (yet to be released). All event coordinators helped work on prompt creation! All credits for the event art will be on each prompt page so you can see who did what.

Also thank you Rmin , astralgaze , MarshMoshi , JinxedStudios , StarFoosh , ikowa , Astr0fish , and mawkatsu for letting us use their Alumies on various prompt art!

Thank you Rmin for making our new Water Alumy NPC, Marilyn, and thank you Blu_x_Jay and Vilagyent for teaming up to make the secret surprise adopt! We're very excited to show you all the design and we hope you all have a blast!

ALUMYFIGHT 2024 [Artfight Prompt]

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

Its Alumyfight season!

Artfight has started!

This year, we'll be awarding any Artfight attacks against other Alumies! Any Alumies included in any Art Fight attack submitted through this prompt will get 20 crystals.


  • This does NOT include attacks that you get, and only counts if it's from your own account!
  • Minimum of flat-colored headshot
  • This prompt does not have a difference in crystal rewards if you draw more than a headshot, but if you want to draw more, then you may do so!

If you would like to find some Alumies to attack, you can either:

If you'd like to learn more about Artfight, please check out their info PAGE on their website here!:
-> <-
You can find the Artfight prompt here:
-> <-


To submit your prompts, and get your rewards, please use the submit a prompt button!

You can also submit your prompts at the link here:

The form to submit this prompt is this:

Detailed reward breakdown: (The breakdown of crystals and/or rewards you get in your submission)
Total: (Amount of crystals you would be getting for your prompt submission)
Other / notes: (Any other information you would like to add)
*Please make sure to add the link to your Artfight Attack in the Submission URL / Title(Optional) box!*

Please use the form on that page to get your rewards, and attach any images through links! This form is on the prompt info page for each prompt- please make sure to check if there are any other requirements for forms before you submit your prompts. You can select what prompt you are submitting on the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

Lastly, please link your attack (from the artfight site) to your prompt submission! This is how we'll verify that it's an artfight attack on site!

Regardless, we hope you have a wonderful Alumyfight and happy fighting!


Event Credits: Alumyfight banner created by carlos_claee and JJBum

July-August Staff Update 2024

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

Hello Alumers,
I'd like to start a bi-monthly update to keep you all informed about the goings on in staff! These will happen every other month and contain varying degrees of info for you all should you want to read it.

Last month, the staff was quite busy with lots of behind-the-scenes work.

Admin and Species mods, with the input of other staff, have been working on updating a few of our processes.:

  • Design approvers Blu_x_Jay carlos_claee MarshMoshi are working on improving the process for design approval, to help get designs approved faster and with more consistency. This work continues into this month but has already seen some updates.
  • Event coordinators Rmin JJBum Vilagyent Nightspirit Philologique have been hard at work managing the “Spring in to Summer” event but also working to bring you the next alumy event launching in the coming weeks. This event would also not be possible without Blu_x_Jay carlos_claee Astr0fish and MarskyMessier who have all pitched in to do art for the event and get the prompts to the website.
  • Discord mods have been getting used to their new roles and helping to keep the Discord a safe and welcoming place. They've also been helping create a new system for the DtAA channels with some associated rewards. More info to come soon!
  • Masterlisters welcomed their new member L_moncello into the ranks and have been making sure all new Alumies make it to the masterlist before they're released to the community. They also manage approving trades and transfers on-site. Masterlisters successfully uploaded all submitted missing Alumy last month and have also been working to update BVs and traits as much as possible. In the coming months, we will likely allocate more staff to help with this effort as it has proved to be more work than we initially anticipated.
  • MarskyMessier has been hard at work on the website as our primary web developer fixing bugs such as weird 500 errors in drafts, UI fixes, and adding new features/extensions. Check out the devlogs for more in-depth info as he also posts updates there.
  • The staff as a whole is also taking part in trait discussions and documentation updates to provide clearer trait and un-traited design descriptions. Work has started on the first draft of updating these docs and we hope to release something out to you within the next month.
    These updates include rewording trait descriptions, listing what can and can't be done with traits, changing some trait names we felt were poorly named, tweeking traits we felt were not in line with the species as a whole, as well as creating clear descriptions for un-traited design elements such as ear length and mane definition and much more to better support customs and designs made outside the staff.
    This process is being overseen by Blu_x_Jay and Vilagyent, but has had input from the entire staff. We hope to release a solid draft to the community and hear from you all your thoughts as well before finalizing the revised traits.
  • Another thing the whole staff has been discussing and addressing is the ever-present problem of providing everyone the chance to obtain Alumies. This is always a tricky topic, but we hope to address the concerns voiced to us by going over every adopt sold since the hiatus to analyze buying patterns. This analysis isn't done yet, but hopefully in the coming weeks we'll have some hard data for you to address those concerns.
  • The staff also discussed the concern of people backing out of deals once they've been agreed on, and we'd like to remind everyone, that while the Alumy admins/staff will not be putting any hard species rules in place about backing out of trades/deals, this behavior can and will lead you to be blacklisted by many artists and is generally not recommended.

As a last note, we would like to remind everyone that everyone on the Alumy staff team is at the end of the day: a volunteer. We all take our positions very seriously and put as much work as we're able into the species with the intent to make it better. But we also do have lives outside the species. Many of us work, have other time commitments, or have hobbies other than Alumies. The Discord and this community is a place for all of us to enjoy and we'd like to stress that the staff should not be only expected to work on staff work while interacting with the community here. Our positions are not our only hobbies and we should not be expected to be “on shift” just because we are online. Many of us enjoy videogames, interact with friends, or partake in other online hobbies through this server, and though we understand and appreciate that you are invested in the species and want to see progress being made, you also need to understand that this expectation is extremely harmful to a person's ability to enjoy this community. We can not be transparent about the entire inner workings of the staff and most work done by any one individual in the staff may go unnoticed in the community. Therefore, you'll have to trust that work is getting done behind the scenes. We hope this update helps share some of the work taking place in the staff and have a good timezone Alumers!

Spring into Summer Event Conclusion

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Astr0fish

Hi all! The Spring into Summer event has now ended! We hope you enjoyed the event, and we loved seeing all of your prompt submissions!

Firstly, we have a small feedback form for the event located below, where you can put any comments regarding the event. Please let us know what you think could be improved, as well as what you enjoyed! We'd love to hear any of your thoughts about the event, and we'll keep your thoughts and ideas in mind as we plan future events.


If you have a prompt that has not been accepted yet- never fear! We will be going through any remaining submitted prompts until July 5th 2024 12:00 CDT, and the Myth MYO raffle and the Egg raffle will be drawn at that time. We will manually go through submissions to add people who meet the requirements to the Egg Adopt raffle. However, if you have a ticket for the Myth MYO raffle in your inventory, please make sure to use that ticket by that time! You can find a tutorial on how to do that in the newsletter below:


Again, please let us know if you have any questions about anything Spring into Summer event-related in our Discord! And, once again, thank you all for participating in this event, and we hope you had fun! ^^


Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by carlos_claee

⭐ Species Mods, Discord Mods, and GA Results! ⭐
Thank you all to everyone who applied for all of these positions! It was an incredibly difficult choice to choose for all roles, and we appreciate your applications.

Firstly, please welcome our new Species Moderators!


Secondly, please welcome our new Discord Moderators!

Discord Mods will be on a trial period for one month, but they will be doing their duties as discord mods throughout that whole time.

And last but not least, please welcome the following members to the June/July Alumy GA's!


Again, thank you all for your applications, and please give everyone a warm welcome!! 🎉🎉🎉

Species Mod, Discord Mod, and Guest Artist Applications are OPEN!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Astr0fish

Species Mod, Discord Mod, and GA apps are open!

We're looking for more help to keep this species rolling! Every two months, we usually open Guest Artist applications for any individuals who would like to be GAs, but this month we're also opening a few higher-level roles. We normally would not be opening these roles, but given that we are officially out of hiatus, we decided now would be the time!

Applications for all positions will be open from 6/5/24 12:00pm CDT - 6/9/24 12:00pm CDT (site time)

Below I will put the definitions of each roles, what they do, as well as a link to their application form:


Species Moderator

The responsibilities of a species moderator are to help create events, help create lore, and be general organizers of the Alumy species. The different subcategories of Species mods are Event Coordinators, Storage Listers, and Design Approvers, and many species mods can hold multiple roles at once. At this moment, we are only accepting applications for Event Coordinators. The Species moderator position is the second highest-ranked position in the species and works directly with Admins, and they actively brainstorm ideas for the species within their position.
Event Coordinators is a subcategory specifically for helping create events and prompts for the Alumy Species. Event Coordinators are expected to help create Alumy events from the ground up, and monitor them throughout their duration. This includes rewarding users for their event prompt submissions, and answering questions about event prompts if questions arise.
All Species Moderators keep all profits from adopts. Species mods can also use up to rare traits, plus a choice of 2 account-bound items free per month.


Discord Moderator

The responsibilities of a Discord moderator might vary, but their overall role is to ensure that their Discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or suspend people who violate the server's rules. Discord moderators should be individuals that we can trust and rely on various tasks in the server, and must have the ability to enforce rules and make decisions. You must be a part of the Discord to be accepted for this role.
All Discord Moderators will get 50 Crystals per month and the ability to make up to 5 adopts per month + 2 customs (up to UC) with 5 free rare traits. Discord mods also get all profits from adopts. Creating adopts is not a part of the basic duties of a Discord Moderator, given that Discord Moderators main job is to keep an eye on the Discord server.

-> Apply for discord moderator here <-


Guest Artist (June-July)

Guest artists draw Adopts for the species during two months, and have access to Common and Uncommon traits! The Guest Artist position is expected to make adopts during the whole time of being a Guest artist in the species. Guest Artists also keep all profits from adopts!

-> Apply for Guest Artist here <-


More information is in each of their Google Forms! Please let us know if you have any questions in the Discord.

Alumy Shop, Design Submission, and more!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Astr0fish

the shop, design submission, design guide, and pairing + are now available!!!

The shop, run by our lovely shop owner Katak, is now open for business!

Katak, after taking a little hiatus, has organized his storage and is now open for business! Shop prices are significantly higher than previously, and will cost more crystals.

  • This will make it possible for us, as a species, to have more flexibility with prices and future event prizes. Therefore, the event prizes for this ongoing event, Spring into Summer, are higher than before. Item prices range from 20 crystals to 250 crystals, and can be viewed in the shop below:

-> You can find the shop here <-


Design Submission is now open!

Designs can be made by submitting a MYO! You can find your MYO slots here. Make sure to check out the design guide below before submitting a MYO, given that the Design Guide details the process of how MYO creation works.

The design guide is the go-to place to learn more about making and submitting your Alumies onto the Masterlist. The design guide covers:

  1. Default traits, Subtypes, and Rank
  2. MYO and design rules
  3. Redesign Rules
  4. Pebble Submission (WIP)
  5. Design Submission Forms
    1. For both MYO designs as well as Redesigns

-> the alumy design guide can be found here <-

PAiring + is coming to the site !

Pairing + is a way to show lineages on Alumies, and make the process of making Pebbles and pairings easier for everyone. Currently Pairings aren't set up as it's not entirely finished, we need to make the stones be able to be set as pairing items, as well as figure out the rank compatibilities, and eventually have more than 2 parents, but you can set your lineage up for now!


Lastly, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask any of them in the Discord server! We will answer all of your questions to the best of our abilities. Thank you all for your patience!

Spring into Summer

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Admin

Spring into Summer!

Event from 5/31/24 - 6/30/24

Spring into Summer Banner

Spring is ending!

Alumies are spending their days preparing for summer festivities, doing some spring cleaning, and enjoying the end of the season. It's almost time for summer!


This Event includes several different prompts and several ways you can participate!:
Lastly, we are introducing our first permanent prompt:
  • Doodle Dump! Doodle your Alumies for a flat reward of 4 crystals per the Alumy on your canvas. This prompt is permanent and can be claimed at any point.

All Spring into Summer event participants will get a Spring into Summer sticker added to their LoreKeeper account! You can view the sticker here.

-> Please make sure to read the prompts and learn more about the requirements for each of the prompts at this link! <-


We are also introducing two new seasonal traits!

<a href=Dust bunnies<a href=Goop soup

Both of these items will be obtainable through submitting prompts for this event. Dust Bunnies will give an Alumy the Particle Markings trait, and the Goop Soup item will give an Alumy the Ooze trait. Both of these traits are only available during this event for 150 Crystals.

You can claim these limited-time items through the Shop! The Alumy Shop will be opened on 6/2/2024 at 2 pm CDT (site time) and will include both items and every other shop item that was previously buyable through the shop.
  • As a side note: we mentioned previously in the hiatus announcement that we will be upping prices for the shop, while having more opportunities for crystal gain during the year. All items, including previously priced items, will be more expensive when the shop opens. This is a change that is being made to make it so we can have more flexibility with our crystal prices and general usage! To compensate for that, all of our prompts in this event and in the future will give more crystals.

You can find the shop to get these traits here:


To submit your prompts, and get your rewards, please use the submit a prompt button!

You can also submit your prompts at the link here:

The form to submit a prompt is this:

Detailed reward breakdown: (The breakdown of crystals and/or rewards you get in your submission)
Total: (Amount of crystals you would be getting for your prompt submission)
Other / notes: (Any other information you would like to add)

Please use the form on that page to get your rewards, and attach any images through links! This form is on the prompt info page for each prompt- please make sure to check if there are any other requirements for forms before you submit your prompts. You can select what prompt you are submitting on the drop-down menu at the top of the page.


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us through the alumy discord!

We have a submission sharing, ref sheet sharing, and a discussion channel for this event! If you are not in the Alumy Discord, we greatly encourage joining so you can interact with the Alumy community. We also have a question channel if you have any questions about any of the prompts, and it's faster to contact us there.

Thank you all and we hope you have a WONDERFUL Spring into Summer!


Admin note: Hey all, its Astr0fish ! I wanted to say thank you to some of the people who helped put this event together. Thank you to the rest of the Admins ( Blu_x_Jay , carlos_claee , MarskyMessier ), the current and past Event Coordinators ( Rmin , JJBum , DragonRider4267 ) , and also to PGAs and Masterlisters Vilagyent , astralgaze , JinxedStudios , Nightspirit , and Philologique for all of the work that you all put into this event. Whether it was art or writing, we could not have done this without you! At the moment we have an incredibly small team of species mods (we currently have three species mods, and within those three, two are event coordinators) and with this alongside the post-hiatus work, it has been difficult putting this event together. However, with all of these people helping, we were able to make this event happen! We cannot thank you all enough, and we hope you enjoy this event!