
Cloud parts

Cloud parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Sky subtype)

Parts that are made of cloud, can affect any parts of the body.

Aquatic parts

Aquatic parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

The Alumy can have parts from a wide variety of sea creatures. For example, they can have the extended skin of a manta ray around their arms, the tentacles of an octopus, or the claws of a crustacean. Anything found on aquatic creatures can be found on Alumies.

  • Does not include any sort of fin or tail which would be encompassed in the Rare Fins and Rare Aquatic Tail trait(s).
  • Cannot replace integral parts of the body such as the arms/legs, ears, or tail, only be added to the body
Glowing  parts

Glowing parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Parts or patterns that can glow.

  • Phosphorescence, fluorescence & chemiluminescence are counted in.
Long body

Long body (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The body is abnormaly and visibly longer than usual.


Dwarfism (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The alumy is much smaller than usual.

  • Can vary depending on ranks.
Silky spikes

Silky spikes (Legacy)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)
 This trait is a legacy trait, and cannot be obtained anymore.

Spikes located on the palm that produces silk like a spider.

Multiple limbs

Multiple limbs (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has extra limbs aside from the regular normal number. This can include extra ears, arms/legs, tails, etc.

Multiple wings

Multiple wings (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has extra pairs of usable wings aside from the normal pair on the back. The wings can be bat wings, feathered, or bug/insect-like (depending on subspecies).

  • Extra pair of small wings does not count towards this trait, but can be used in combination for more pairs of small wings elsewhere on the body. Must be specified on the ML.
Elemental parts

Elemental parts (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy
 This trait can only be applied with the ??? item.

The essence of a magic element has bonded to an Alumy and now replaces some of their body such as the limbs, the tail, eyes, wings (if applicable), etc.

  • Elements available for this trait include - Fire, galaxy, water, ice, crystal, air, clouds/steam, metal/rock, shadow, smoke, and plant/wood
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation coming off their body and can make it show less, more, but cannot make it disappear
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation coming off their body and can make it show less, more, but cannot make it disappear
  • Cannot replace more than 50% of the body/silhouette of the Alumy.
  • The Alumy cannot make the element change what part of the body it replaces.
Ghost parts

Ghost parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy
Metallic markings

Metallic markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings on an Alumy that look like metal and reflect light similarly. Must resemble an actual metal and should not change color.

Opalescent markings

Opalescent markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings that are opalescent or multi-chrome. They shimmer in different colors in the light. Must show a gradient between chromas.

Sparkling markings

Sparkling markings example

Sparkling markings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Markings that sparkle. Sparkles must be the same color as the markings and cannot extend off the body.

Bug wings

Bug wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

Bug and insect wings that can include butterfly wings, moth wings, dragonfly/fly wings, beetle wings etc. but must resemble an actual bug or insect.


Fins (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

Can come in different styles and be located around the cheeks, back, legs, and even the tail. They can be entirely cosmetic and/or help with steering or propelling the body in the water.

Water only
Coral/Anemone symbiosis

Coral/Anemone symbiosis (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

Any form of underwater coral or anemone has formed a symbiosis with the Alumy’s body through mind control and now grows on the Alumy. Said coral/anemone must be shown being controlled if in symbiosis. Can include any coral, anemone, or water dwelling plant-like entity that is found in real life.

  • The coral/anemone will die if taken out of the water for too long (water hybrid only).
  • Followers may only be in symbiosis with one type of coral or anemone.
Water only
Floating organic parts

Floating organic parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy is able to have naturally occurring objects such as rocks, sticks, wood, plants, fur or anything organically existing floating around them.

  • The Alumy has mild control of the floating parts and can move them through a form of mind control, but cannot make the objects float too far away from their body.
Closed Terrarium parts

Closed Terrarium parts (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

Closed off hollow, glass-like parts that can house plants, water, and/or small critters (such as bugs, fish, mice). Can be limbs, part of the abdomen or lower body.

  • If creatures, plants, or mushrooms live in the terrarium there must be some sort of habitable ecosystem for the creatures to survive.
  • Can be combined with other traits such as M Elemental Essence or R Ooze to house magic/elements or slime that would be summoned magically.
  • Nothing can be inserted into the terrarium from the outside, it must enter the Alumy through some other means (such as eating) or growing plants through mind control/magic.
Elemental essence

Elemental essence (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The essence of a magic element has attached to an Alumy and now extends from the Alumies body. It is commonly found trailing off of the mane, tail, wings (if applicable), back or coming out of the eyes but can also be found elsewhere, such as an elemental breath.

  • Elements available for this trait include - Fire, galaxy, water, ice, air, clouds/steam, metal/rock, electricity, shadow, and smoke.
  • The Alumy has control of said element’s manifestation on their body and can make it show less, more, or disappear for short periods of time.
  • Cannot cover more than 75% of the body/silhouette and must trail off of the Alumy’s body. The chosen element cannot replace parts of the body
  • This trait only encompasses one element, any additional element will require another instance of this trait.
Floating magic

Floating magic (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Alumy

The Alumy has formed a bond with a magic element and causes it to float around their body naturally. Can manifest in small shapes, clusters, waves, or lines of said element floating around the Alumy’s body.

  • The Alumy has mild control of the floating parts and can move them through a form of mind control, but cannot make the objects float too far away from their body. The Alumy can also cause the magic to show more, less, or disappear for short periods of time.
  • The list of elements for floating magic includes: Fire, galaxy, water, ice, crystal, air, clouds/steam (would be R Cloud parts for Sky ALumy or Sky hybrids), metal/rock, electricity, shadow, or smoke
  • The floating parts cannot look like little spirits or ghosts because that would be the R Seasonal Ghost Parts trait.
  • The floating magic cannot be connected to the Alumy’s body and must be noticeable floating away from the body.
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