
Bull horns

Bull horns (Rare)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that extend out to the sides of the head and have a single curve at the end, similar to a bull. Can have slight variation, but must resemble bull horns seen in real life.

Multiple horns

Multiple horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Several sets of horns that grow on the head of an Alumy. Can include combinations of multiple horn types or just sets of the same horn type. Each horn type included must be traited in addition to this.

  • Horns may only grow/extend from the forehead/skull of the Alumy. Horns growing elsewhere on the body are not allowed and would use the C Spikes (body) trait instead.
  • For example having C Spiky horns, then having UC Ram Horns growing right behind it. Or having R Spiked horns, then another set right in front of it.
Joined/Connected horns

Joined/Connected horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are linked together at some point past the base.

Oversized horns

Oversized horns (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are larger than normal and extend past the tip of the ears and/or tip of the nose. Can be used in combination with any other horn trait.

Unlisted/Other horn

Unlisted/Other horn (Mythical)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy

Horns that are anything but the listed Horn traits.


Antenna (Uncommon)

Category: Horns
Species: Alumy (Flower subtype)

Required for all pure Flower Alumies, optional for Hybrids, can be substituted or used in addition to the beetle horns. Can be fluffy, thin, or thick, but must resemble an actual bug or insect’s antenna.

Regular tail

Regular tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail is similar to a lion, with a tuff of mane at its end.

Short tail

Short tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail is a small tuft of fur

Swirly tail

Swirly tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail is curved or swirling.

Spade tail

Spade tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

A tail tip that is triangular in shape, with no more than 3 points, and comes to a point at the end of the tail. Can convex or curve slightly in some ways but must remain triangular in general shape. This allows for some variation in the shape of the spade.

  • Most commonly seen on preservers and controllers as a form of protection or a weapon.
Monster tail

Monster tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail has a monster head at its end.

Prehensile tail

Prehensile tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy (Forest subtype)

The tail can grab object or balance itself from a tree.

Other/Unlisted tail

Other/Unlisted tail (Mythical)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

Tail is anything but the tail traits (water and flower alumies are an exception). ex: alligator tail, inanimate objects, etc)

Floof tail

Floof tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail has longer fur encompassing it, it is fully fluffy. Fur can be any length but must be noticeable longer than the slim fur of an Alumy’s body. Can be slimmer like a cat’s tail, or poofy like a fox’s tail.

Split tail

Split tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail has a split in it that makes the tail branch in two at the end. The split must begin farther than halfway from the base. Aka, the split can start anywhere from the middle of the tail to the end of the tail. Can be combined with other tail traits to have a floof at the end, be fully furred, or be thin with no fur.

Bird tail

Bird tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The tail is made only of feathers that resemble real life birds. Can have a variety of feather shape, color, patterns, and length.

Sky only
Curtain tail

Curtain tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

A tail with extremely long fur, draping down and dragging behind Alumy. Must drape below the tail and none of the longer fur can rise above the tail, it’s too long and heavy to stick up.

Coil tail

Coil tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

A thin tail that coils around like a metal spring. Can have anywhere from 3 - 15 coils or more. The tail can also be tightly coiled together or be more loose with space in between coils. Must come with a floof on the tip unless combined with another trait.

Bug tail

Bug tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy

The regular tail of an Alumy is replaced by any sort of insect or arachnid tail, such as a spider, scorpion, bee, wasp, etc.

  • The tail would also have the same abilities/traits of the creature it resembles. AKA, a scorpion tail could be poisonous, a spider tail could create silk, a bee tail could sting, etc.
flower only
Aquatic tail

Aquatic tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Alumy (Water subtype)

The regular tail of an Alumy is replaced by any sort of tail resembling an aquatic creature. This can include any sort of fish tail, jellyfish/octopus/squid tentacles, a seahorse tail, a sea slug tail, etc.

  • The tail would also have the same abilities/traits of the creature it resembles. AKA, any jellyfish tendrils could sting, any tentacles could have suction cups and grab things as well as propel an Alumy in the water, and a seahorse tail would curl into itself naturally and be prehensile.
water only - required for pure waer alumies
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